An independent engagement report that will inform the Strategic Community Plan for the next decade has been accepted by Council.
As part of the Strategic Community Plan 2020 – 2030 Major Review Project, the City conducted its largest engagement process through a promotional campaign supported by the creation of the What We Make It brand.
Overall, 945 people directly contributed feedback during the project’s engagement process which ran from 25 March – 5 July.
The data collected from the engagement was analysed and summarised in the Community Visioning Engagement Summary Report by an independent consultant.
The findings and outcomes of the Engagement Summary Report will be considered as part of the Phase 3 of the Project which involve a co-design workshop with Council as well as public consultation on the new Draft Strategic Community Plan.
City of Karratha Mayor Daniel Scott said the summary report is a culmination of the collective feedback received from our community and their vision for our City over the next 10 years.
“This feedback ensures our community aspirations are heard and considered in the development of our draft Strategic Community Plan 2025-2035”.
“I look forward to providing our community with the opportunity to review and provide further feedback on the draft Strategic Community Plan before it is adopted by Council, early next year”.
The Engagement Summary Report will be available to the community on the City’s What We Make IT website, available at…;